‘The Scent of a Woman’… and I don’t mean the film…
It can transport you back in time, to a nostalgic childhood memory, a place , a lover, an experience… Fragrance can trigger unexpected feelings and emotions, some happy and perhaps others not so much, and personally it’s something that matters to me a LOT! Something that comes to mind is how much I love the […]
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‘Le Must’ Style Accessory…Maybe not what you’re thinking…
Anyone who knows me well and what I appreciate in terms of style can tell you that I love and swear by accessories. The right accessory will always add that little ‘je ne sais quoi’ that can instantly elevate and transform even the simplest look. Think blue jeans and a white tee shirt, with a […]
‘Good in Your Skin’
Bienvenue and welcome to Authentically Femme! This is the first official blog post for Authentically Femme, a project I’ve been developing for quite some time now, but which took an unexpected detour with the arrival of Covid. I trust I’m not the only one out there whose 2020 looked nothing like they’d imagined! With brighter […]